Our help can have different forms...

We are dedicated

The perfect
Recipe for your success

Because your challenges and needs are unique, we developed a unique approach to tackle them efficiently and cost-effectively. With blended consulting we offer you a modular, scalable and comprehensive solution involving traditional consulting services, but also interim management, training and coaching services if needed.


We look at
the big picture


We are boiling
with new ideas!


We choose collaboration over confrontatio

We are your consultant, interim manager, trainer, and coach – or a mix of all that.

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.

But in practice, there is."
Benjamin Brewster

We assess your situation and decide with you what are the best options for you and your company.

Respecting high standards

What is
blended consulting

The consulting industry often suffers from a bad reputation of being too opaque or uncontrolled.


Our motivation is to make our offers more transparent so that consulting becomes more affordable and less risky, also for small and medium-sized entreprises (SMBs).


The needs of our clients are manifold and can only be ideally fulfilled by a blend of classic services (consulting, coaching, training or interim management).

Blended consulting stands for a consulting model which combines different consulting services that can be combined modularly with each other according to customer requirements. This “blend” – also known as the consulting mix – offers the customer new support options, greater transparency, less reduction, a stronger focus on the customer’s needs and a higher degree of flexibility.
The customer determines in which area (e.g. change management, project management, merger & acquisition, etc.) amontis should take action.
The customer decides which kind of support he needs (consulting, interim management, coaching or training) for the selected area.

The customer decides whether he wants to be supported partially (a single module), integratively (several modules) or holistically (all modules available in the subject area).

The customer decides whether or which parts of the consulting mix should be provided digitally or physically.

We transform ideas into tangible actions and results.

Theoretically grounded - Practically proofed


Consulting by amontis

We use reknown and peer-reviewed standards as the base of our consulting activities. We have a long experience with the PMI standard (PMP, CAPM, RMP ACP – we actually also offer exam preparation trainings for these certifications) and we are part of the developping team of the IMCM standard which gives us a deep understanding of project and organisational best practices.


Our hands-on expertise completes our theoretical knowledge and allow us to successfully translate theory into practice.

We transform ideas into tangible actions and results.

Reach your professional goals


Consulting by amontis

We advise well-known companies and develop them further.


However, we also want to use our expertise and experience to help voluntary associations and start-ups to organise themselves more professionally, i.e. more strategically, effectively and efficiently. With our awarded “Competence Sponsoring” programme, amontis has been offering voluntary associations and start-ups free participation in open seminars for professional development since 2018.


This programme was awarded by theLEA Medium-Sized Business Award (read more here)

We transform ideas into tangible actions and results.

Reach your professional goals

Interim Management

Consulting by amontis

We advise well-known companies and develop them further.


However, we also want to use our expertise and experience to help voluntary associations and start-ups to organise themselves more professionally, i.e. more strategically, effectively and efficiently. With our awarded “Competence Sponsoring” programme, amontis has been offering voluntary associations and start-ups free participation in open seminars for professional development since 2018.


This programme was awarded by theLEA Medium-Sized Business Award (read more here)

We transform ideas into tangible actions and results.

Reach your professional goals


Consulting by amontis

We advise well-known companies and develop them further.


However, we also want to use our expertise and experience to help voluntary associations and start-ups to organise themselves more professionally, i.e. more strategically, effectively and efficiently. With our awarded “Competence Sponsoring” programme, amontis has been offering voluntary associations and start-ups free participation in open seminars for professional development since 2018.


This programme was awarded by theLEA Medium-Sized Business Award (read more here)

be part of our success.
join us today.